“Holy Grail” of Archaelogists Found In Israel

knights templarFrom Australia’s Daily Telegraph: Actual remains of bodies believed to be Knights Templar, the mysterious religious order at the heart of “The Da Vinci Code,” have been found by archaeologists near the River Jordan in northern Israel.

The discovery was made at Jacob’s Ford, a former Templar castle conquered by the Muslim warrior Saladin on August 29, 1179, providing researchers an exact date of the knights’ demise. Full story.

How long can it be ’til a mummified Mary is found under some big French museum and the Ark of the Covenant is discovered under the Temple Mount?

Celebrity Kabbalah Revived Momentarily

linseyOh fine, the whole flippin’ world is reporting how Miss Frecklepuss Lindsey Lohan is having a “flirtation” with Kabbalah.

“Yes, I am looking into Kabbalah,” said the recent recipient of a GoFugYourself fugging. “All of us need something. You have to grab on to whatever gets you through.”

Certainly after all that bad press and the embarrassing slide from “chic”to “over”, Kabbalah could use a fresh face. I mean, really, we all love Madge, but y’know, to be a top cult you’ve got to have someone who can really act as a spokesperson, someone who speaks the language of the kids, someone who publicists and tabloids can’t get enough of … wait a minute. Is it Lindsey who needs the Kabbalah Centre or the Kabbalah Centre who needs Lindsey?

Bad Day For Jesus

Nazareth’s most famous Jewish carpenter may have some ‘splainin to do:

First comes the news that maybe he didn’t really walk on water across the Sea of Galilee (known as Lake Kinneret to Israelis,) but caught a ride on a freak piece of ice.

Then an ancient manuscript shows up saying Judas Iscariot, the guy who sold him out, was actually his most revered disciple. To paraphrase EV on Jewschool, how ’bout an apology for all the anti-Semitic hate spewed by “Christians” over the years based on Judas’ betrayal?

(Sorry, no photos of Jesus on this site. My mother would plotz.)

Chametz: Get Thee Behind Me!

chometzThe t-shirt of the week isn’t just a schmatte, it’s spring cleaning gone crazy.

I may have mentioned that housekeeping is not one of the Yenta’s strongest attributes (see “Mold, Diarrhea and Escargot,”) so the Passover custom of cleaning out one’s cupboards and “selling” all the leavened items for safekeeping for the duration of the holiday would never be listed as one of my favorite chores.

Even so, I feel obligated, even though I’d never heard of this tradition until a few years ago. Though my mother never had so much as a bialy in the house during Pesach, I don’t recall anyone cleaning out the pantry (I’m fairly sure the same box of Grape Nuts has been there since I was 12.) Neither the congregation I grew up in nor the one I belong to now ever mentioned this crumb hunting frenzy, so either I haven’t been paying attention (a veritable possibility — the minute someone mentions “cleaning” I start to drift) or the Reform Jewish world has abandoned this ritual.

So, as usual, I’m making it up as I go along. Aish.com’s Passover site has been very helpful, of course, but I’m certain the neighbor I asked to take our boxes of food for a week is going to feed the Ritz crackers to her dog.

But at least I know I’m not alone: Even Modern Jewish Mom, who’s obviously seasoned in the art of a chametz-free home, feels the pressure.

Guess it’s just a crummy part of being a Jewish mother. (Ba-dump bump.)

SJP And The Yenta: On The Same Page

sjpSarah Jessica Parker is my kind of Jewish mother, and not just because she has so many rad shoes: According to PR Inside, she’s already let her 3-year-old son, James, know how it’s gonna be:

“I’ve told him already, ‘You have to come home on Fridays, in time for the Sabbath, and bring me dinner, no matter what your wife says.'”

Thas’, right, Mama. And make sure you tell him like my own mother used to tell my bro: You bring home a girl who loves your mother.

(Come to think of it, bro’s still not married. Don’t take it personally, Mom.)

A Matisyahu Moment

matisyahuI know all the cool Jews are down on him and people are sayin’ the black hat’s not all that, but when “King Without A Crown” came on regular ol’ FM radio during 5 o’clock traffic yesterday, I kvelled that I was listening to the word “Moshiach” in the midst of at least three SUVs wearing Jesus fish stickers.

Here’s AOL’s exclusive video set, if you’re willing to be lame and mainstream with me.

C’mon, Be A Zeek Freak!

zeek coverInstead of folding laundry, I spent all last evening reading the latest issue of Zeek, “a jewish journal of thought & culture” that I obviously don’t look at nearly enough.

It’s progressive without being pretentious, and I love the part of the masthead where it says We will not pretend that the privileged, parochial, Ashkenazic milieu in which we grew up is meaningful Jewish culture, and we will never confuse cliche with meaning. We will never say “oy vey.”

The whole issue grabbed me, starting with the cover art pictured here, “The Medium is the Matzah” by Melissa Schiff, whose own site, japshopper.com, completely rocks.

Then there’s Dr. Jonathan Garb’s critique of New Age Kabbalah, which has much to say about the difference between a “personal” spirituality and the true meaning of mysticism.

Leah Koenig’s interview with “The Tribe” (aka the Jewish Barbie movie) creator Tiffany Shlain and Esther Solomon’s treatise on the superiority of Israeli coffee are not to be missed; same goes for Joseph Dobkin’s poetic lament for someone named David.

That’s not even everything, but be sure to read editor Jay Michaelson’s essay “The Freedom of Being”, a thoughtful, lovely ode to the gift of doing nothing that isn’t afraid to talk about God.

These Zeeks are my kind of Jews — yours too? Order a print subscription; I’ll do the same once I have a permanent address.

Chassidic Boogaloo!

Check this fabulous video of one rubbery yeshiva boy breakin’ like there’s no tomorrow.

It sure looks like David Lavon, that very hot kid from the original Yeshiva Boys Gone Wild clip, whose dancing launched a thousand extremely un-frum-like crushes.

Sadly, all traces of David’s highly entertaining and super-blogged video seem to have been removed from the Web (Copyright issues? Angry rabbi?) All that’s left is this lame remix spliced to a Backstreet Boys song instead dubbed to that incredibly rockin’ “L’Cha” by The Chevra. But it’s worth watching if you just can’t get enough of David’s moves and his adorable punim.

Don’t let that crush get outta hand, though — OnlySimchas.com carries the news that David is getting married. Mazel Tov!

Dad’s Byline

dad's pakistanMy dad returned safe and reasonably sound from earthquake-shattered Pakistan earlier this year after volunteering his surgical skills at a Christian hospital. He’s published an account of his experiences in this week’s Jewish News of Greater Phoenix that’s waaay more entertaining than this week’s Lost episode. Check out the mountaintop medical conditions and how near death didn’t stop one practical jokester.

Dad, aka Dr. Skip Feinstein, is also a fine photographer; it’s a shame that this photo of one of his colleagues holding a baby born during the 7.6 quake is the only one posted. (Perhaps Dr. Skip has uploaded the rest of his images somewhere shared?)

Dad’s work is such a fine example of tikkun olam and a real inspiration of how life sure as heck doesn’t end at 60. How often does a Jewish daugher get to kvell over her father?

Perhaps a little too often — the meshugganeh is going back to Pakistan next month.

‘Art’ Finds Its Limits

gas maskRemember artist Santiago Sierra and his fun little gas-chamber-in-a-synagogue project?

Are you surprised that it was shut down after only one day?

Sierra, who aimed to criticize the “banalization of Holocaust remembrance” issued the statement that he didn’t mean to insult anyone and is currently seeking “an appropriate and fitting remembrance and reminder of the past.”

Sorry, Santiago; guess the world’s just not ready for your “ironic” bad taste. Maybe something with kitties or children with big eyes?