L’Shanah Tovah

Wishing you and yours the happiest and healthiest of High Holy Days.

Rosh Hashanah is the ultimate chance to begin anew, to ask Hashem to write us into the Book of the Living for another year. But I have this crazy idea that part of it is up to us; that God actually needs our help, prayers and actions to keep bringing us back. So I’ve made the decision to give up cigarettes tonight at sundown. ‘Cause why should the Almighty want to inscribe me if I keep smoking like a bad VW engine?

Hope the rabbi doesn’t mind gum-chewing in the sanctuary.

May your table and heart be full this New Year!

It’s Not Porn, But It’s Kinky!

kinkytoomKinky Friedman’s campaign people know how to do political propaganda right, cheap. Forget big party money, says the unlikely-but-very-possible future governor of Texas.

“We don’t have Rick Perry or Carole Strayhorn money to get our message out, so we’re putting our ad online and counting on you to spread the word. Please distribute the ad to friends and family so that it spreads like a bad rumor.”

Bad rumors are my bag, baby! View the very first Kinkytoon!

Got Jesus? No Thanks, I’m Full

Say you’re a leader in the Southern Baptist Convention and one of the cornerstones of your particular brand of Christianity is that everyone is going to hell but you (see last week’s post “Handbasket Anyone?“) It is your obligation — no, your divine burden — to inform others, especially Jews, that without the vaccination of your personal interpretation of the gospel they will have their toes licked with flames for eternity.

You will stop at nothing to save these stubborn people. Even when people like Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League tells you it’s “offensive and disrespectful” to recommend the High Holy Days as the optimal time to convert Jews, you persevere. When one of your colleagues says “Christians have a mandate to evangelize Jews just as a surgeon has a responsibility to tell a patient about the presence of a ‘deadly tumor,'” you decide you need a new marketing strategy.

So you take it into your head to team up with your friendly neighborhood Messianic Jews to help spread the word. Who better to talk to Jews about Jesus than someone who can heeb out with them?

This really ticks off Abe Foxman. He calls your missionizing ingenuity “insulting, disgraceful and dangerous,” so you’re fairly certain he’s already going to hell. From the ADL press release:

We are outraged over the continuing efforts by the Southern Baptist Convention to target Jews for conversion, especially by considering ‘deputizing’ a Jewish Messianic group, part of a deceptive movement that falsely claims they are interested in Jewish practices when the real goal is to convert Jews to Christianity. These efforts should be stopped once and for all.

But you will never stop. You will dedicate your life to peturbing people, hoping that converting just one Jew into the fold will be worth all the ugly opinions of you. Because you’re just…so…sure…you’re right.