Kanye Dig It?

user submitted pictureProps to Best New Artist Grammy winners Maroon 5 (fronted by oh-so-hot Adam Levine) for snagging the award from expected winner Kanye West. Levine was so surprised and humbled that the first sputtering words of his acceptance speech were “Kanye West, I want to thank you so much for being wonderful.” We hereby present Levine with a “Jmerica Mensch Award”, an invisible statuette made of pure air so it won’t crowd out that shiny new Grammy.

Better Ration That Hebrew National

user submitted pictureWe were quite bitter last week when we went to buy our usual tube of kosher salami and found the shelf empty, only to find out from JTA that we’re in the midst of an actual salami shortage: It seems those who “answer to a higher authority” can’t keep up with the demand for their delish kosher products, leading to a countrywide deficit in hot dogs, salami and deli meats.

Death Of A Playwright: Arthur Miller 1915-2005

user submitted pictureuser submitted picture The son of Polish-Jewish immigrants, Miller defined the hopelessness of the American Dream in Death of A Salesman, won a Tony for pointing a finger back at the Communist-witch hunters in The Crucible and wrote about family, morality and other uncomfortable issues all the way into his last years. He was married to Marilyn Monroe for five years (she converted; her idea!) but we all know how that turned out. We are sorry to see such a wise man shed his mortal coil, but we’d think he’d say it eventually happens to all of us.

DVD Review: Sock This

user submitted pictureThose of us who secretly love puppets but might feel weird renting Sesame Street for the evening’s entertainment have found a gem in Greg The Bunny, an ill-fated FOX series just out on DVD. Though we haven’t been able to ascertain the ethnic background of lovable, furry Greg, the rest of the cast reads like a Hollywood synagogue membership directory: Seth Green stars as the puppet’s (he prefers “fabricated American”) slacker roommate whose father (the always delightfully nerdy Eugene Levy) directs a children’s show peopled (and puppeted) by the crassest, most inappropriate fuzz pelts since Meet The Feebles. Comedienne Sarah Silverman does a turn as a sexy, sarcastic TV exec, though the funniest lines belong to the puppets: “Did you hear about Snuffalupagus? Bankrupt.” “No! He was making big money!” “Yeah, it all went up his nose…”
Hilarious stuff, though obviously not ready for primetime, since FOX canceled Greg and his friends after only one season to much protest from sock lovers like us.

Yo Yenta! Advice: Cringe-Worthy Yiddish

Yo, Yenta! Advice Yo, Yenta!
My boyfriend and I are having an argument over the word “shvartze,” which is how he sometimes refers to African-American people. He is from the South and insists that it is a cultural term and isn’t meant in any kind of derogatory or racist way. I am from California, and I think it’s just rude to say things like “the shvartze at the Quick-Mart gave me the wrong change” or ” that’s a shvartze neighborhood, lock you doors.” I was taught by my Jewish parents not to differentiate people by their color, religion or sexual identity. My boyfriend’s family is always making comments about African-Americans and other minorities as if it’s still the 1950’s. I love my boyfriend and respect his family, but in this day and age, shouldn’t politically incorrect terms like this be laid to rest?

– P.C. in D.C.

Yo, P.C.!: The word “shvartze” literally means “black” in Yiddish and was used as a neutral descriptive noun for things and people back in the Old Country (it was also applied to the strictly religious for their black clothing.) In an English context, it became a pejorative term for the servants used by Jewish Americans and is still employed by older generations to refer to people of color, particularly Continue reading

Former Child Star To Testify Against King Of Pop

user submitted pictureThe Michael Jackson pedophile extravaganza takes on a Jewish twist as 80’s prince Corey Feldman is subpoenaed to testify that Mike showed him some porn once. (Specifically, a book about venereal diseases. Gross. But maybe not quite as gross as what Emmanuel Lewis‘s testimony might be.) If Corey had been studying for his bar mitzvah instead of snorting coke with his buddy Corey Haim, maybe it all could have been avoided.

Good Shabbos, Jmerica.

We Love Rock N’ Roll…So Sue Us?

user submitted pictureFrom MSNBC: The founders of the Jewish Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame, a planned online museum celebrating Jewish contributions to rock music, have been slapped in their punims by a lawsuit, even though their won’t launch until next month. The Cleveland-based Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame wants the Jewish site to stop using their title, claiming that it infringes on their branding rights.
Jeffrey Goldberg, a writer for The New Yorker magazine and one of the Jewish rock hall founders says

Asanas for Everyone

user submitted pictureFrom this month’s Yoga Journal: A Buddhist, a Jew, a Christian and a Muslim discuss how they relate their yoga practice to their religious beliefs. Gone are the days when yoga meant twisting oneself into a pretzel and chanting mantras in India; a mind-body practice can complement Jewish life without comprimising our basic values. Says Andrea Cohen-Keiner, a rabbi in the Jewish Renewal movement:
“The mythic stories of the Hindu tradition probably do look like idol worship to traditional Jewish eyes, but here’s how I understand it: I believe that God is oneness. So that ultimately all the filters we look at that ultimate reality through are nothing more than creations of our mind. Those creations don’t limit the Creator.”