Behold the Jewkah!

user submitted picture A beer bong for Boy Genius Julio for directing us to College Humor, where you can buy a term paper, guffaw at vegetables shaped like schlongs and sneak peeks at naked boobies all at once. If such things had been around when we were idling at U of A we might’ve taken seven years to finish our degree instead of five and half.

Ali G Tonight!

user submitted picture..but we don’t have HBO, so we’ll have to wait until next week for a videotape that was once used to document our junior high band performances.
If you haven’t a clue, Ali G is one of the many alteregos of Sacha Baron Cohen, a spot-on satirist who’s, well, J. Says (The J stands for “journalism”; we did think it meant Jewish for a eensy minute until the Mary Kate cocaine coverage burst our balloon):
“We like to think of Cohen as the straight Ru Paul: he’s hysterical in costume, but blends into the crowd as his normal self.”
If you caught the show, let us know…

One Man’s Dating Theory

Came across Frum Dating Theory in the Jewish blogosphere, run by a guy named Mike who, “having experienced many failed relationships,” feels “fully qualified to provide critical analysis of the frum dating world, both shidduch and otherwise.”
We’re sorry the man can’t get a date, but sexual frusturation has made him damn funny. Some jewels:
“Make sure you choose your date locations and activities wisely. If the girl doesnt appreciate eating corn chips and slurpie in the 7-11 parking lot she’s probably a lesbian anyway.”
“Determining ones own level of “hotness” is almost impossible for guys. For one, because most girls do not ask guys out, and, more importantly, girls are really only interested in money, so you never know what really draws them to the guy.”

Madonna To Celebrate New Year In Israel

user submitted pictureMSNBC reports that Madonna, her husband, their two children and 4000 of her closest Kabbalist friends will celebrate Rosh Hashanah in Jerusalem this September, taking up three hotels and diverting the press corps from other, more serious news items. We’ll be enjoying apples and honey somewhere less holy, but we hope they’ll broadcast live if she performs her tefillin dance next to the Wall.

Chabad Fights City Hall

The city of Hollywood, Florida has filed a suit against the Chabad Lubavitch for operating without a permit in a residential neighborhood. Granted, the Lubavitchers bought the homes in 1999 and hid their plans turn them into a synagogue, then applied for an exemption. But the South Florida Sun-Sentinel found “that the city had granted permits to other religious organizations in similar neighborhoods, or simply allowed them to operate without permits.” This should be interesting. We hope Hollywood City Hall is prepared.

Oy, We Need a Vacation

user submitted picturePeople magazine published a story on the Paskowitz Family Surf Camps this week (you won’t find it on their site since we swiped the print version from the doctor’s office.) Izzy Paskowitz, son of Israel’s first surfer “Doc” Paskowitz, runs surf camps for autistic kids in Malibu, which really warmed our sad little beaten-down hearts (we’re still licking our wounds from yesterday’s Jewschool flamefest.) The Paskowitz site radiates a sense of “kosher aloha” we wish there was more of on the Web.
And while we’re on the subject, we’ve always found the old “surfing the Net” metaphor so odd. What does clickety-clicking through screens while hunched in a chair have to do with surfing? Only thing we’ve found is that the locals are just as nasty.

Yo Yenta! Advice: Feeling Frumpy

Yo, Yenta! Advice Yo, Yenta!
I was raised in a religious home where modesty was very important. I live on my own now and I enjoy living a secular life, but I’m still not comfortable wearing tight clothes that make men stare. Is there a way to look stylish and be attractive to men without showing a lot of skin?

– Feeling Frumpy, Atlanta, GA

Yo, Frumpy!
: Oh, you seem like such a shayner maydeleh-so many of the girls today dress like such-how shall I put this delicately-sluts. When did it become socially acceptable to show one’s brastraps to the world? And those thong panties peeking out Continue reading