Our Fave Comedian Continues To Court Disaster

user submitted pictureSacha Baron Cohen, aka Ali G, almost caused a riot at a Roanoke rodeo while filming an episode of his satiric tv show this week. In character as bumbling Borat the Kazakhstani, Cohen told the crowd he supported America’s war on terrorism and said “I hope you kill every man, woman and child in Iraq, down to the lizards … And may George W. Bush drink the blood of every man, woman and child in Iraq.” He then sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” with garbled enthusiasm. The audience didn’t realize the joke was on them (they never do; see Cohen’s previous political prank) and Cohen and his crew had to be escorted off the premises before some rodeo-goer pulled a weapon.
The incident is rather encouraging, since the crowd didn’t raise their lassoes in solidarity with Borat’s message (as they did in the country-western bar when he called for all Jews to be thrown down a well), but geez, don’t they have cable in Virginia?

L’chaim All Over The World

user submitted pictureMany thanks to Jewlicious (via IsThaLegal, who saw it in a supermarket in the Dominican Republic) for providing us with our guffaw for the day.
Says ck: No, the people depicted in the ad are not Falashas. Apparently Manischewitz is very popular in the Caribbean. Go figure. Read ck’s account of the first time he met Mr. Manischewitz, then post your own cheap hangover stories.
As for ours, we remember being ten and trying to match the adults cup for cup at the family seder, which led to us changing into one of our mother’s terry-cloth tube tops and passing out under the table.

What Was He Thinking?

user submitted pictureWe’ve never been huge Prince Harry fans, preferring his handsomer, smarter, better-behaved older brother, and now we we know why. His choice of costume for a “fancy dress party” plainly demonstrates that he’s retarded as well as a second-born loser. We agree with The London News Review, who calls him the “nightmheir to the throne,” and wish the royal family lotsa luck spinning this latest P.R. disaster.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center responds to Hopeless Harry’s “gaffe” with the following request:
We strongly urge Prince Harry to accompany the British delegation on 27th January to the Auschwitz death camp to commemorate 60 years since liberation. There he will see the results of the hated symbol he so foolishly and brazenly chose to wear.
We’re taking bets whether he actually goes to Poland or opts for a relaxing week in the Alps instead.

Jewish Tradition, Served With A Nice Cuppa Joe

user submitted pictureAll you Betty Crocker types might be interested to know that the ubiqutous bundt pan, a round, heavy dish used for baking rich coffee cakes served at your bubbie’s, has Jewish origins: JTA reports that in 1950, a group of Minneapolis Hadassah women (fed up with the bland, fluffy cakes popular with American housewives) wanted to get back to their German roots and the traditional, heavier cakes like those from the Old Country. But no such pan existed, so the Jewish women approached aluminum manufacturer H. David Dalquist. He manufactured the pans and let the women sell them to their friends and neighbors, giving the Hadassah chapter a lasting source of revenue. Dalquist died Sunday at age 86, leaving behind a tasty tradition.
Now you can impress everyone with a lovely anecdote when you serve Bertha’s Big Bourbon Bundt Cake at your next koffee klatch.

Seal On Jewish Culture

user submitted pictureGrammy-nominated singer and Heidi Klum beau Seal laments the negative effects of rap culture on the black community, saying that a difficult history is no excuse for violence and objectifying women:
“It’s sad because we’re damaging our own. Like, in different cultures, you would never see that…Take for example the Jewish culture. They’ve been persecuted just like the black people, right? But you never see them eating their own. They don’t. But we will.”
Oy, Seal baby, we wish it were so. Jews may not carry guns and put our women in rhinestone bikinis, but we know from experience that there’s plenty of divisiveness among us. But instead of gettin’ all down about it, we’re wondering what the outcome of Jewish rap culture (link goes to 50 Shekel’s official site) might be: Drive-by lulav shakings? Gang-banging based on really nasty Yiddish epithets? Tefillin and attachable payes for sale at Urban Outfitters?

Woman Bites Dog?

user submitted pictureApparently Natasha Lyonne is running for Most Badly Behaved Jewish Celebrity of the Decade, adding the following incident to her rap sheet: The Die, Mommie Die! star was arrested in Manhattan a couple of weeks ago after reportedly busting into her neighbors’ apartment and threatening their dog. One can only imagine Natasha’s reasons for her canine hostility (excessive barking? Poop on her doorstep?) since she’s not commenting. Still, she’s getting a reputation as a bit of a psycho- in 2001, she had another run-in with the fuzz in Miami after plowing over a sign, killing some foliage and leaving the scene. She was charged with drunk driving and served 50 hours of community service. We’re guessing it wasn’t with the Humane Society.

If There Was Only Enough Red String, The Shoah Never Would’ve Happened

Daily Jews (our favorite folks from the other side of the pond known as the Atlantic) have brought to our attention the incredibly insulting, unconscionable remarks made by Eliyahu Yardeni, a senior official at the London Kabbalah Centre:
“Just to tell you another thing about the six million Jews that were killed in the Holocaust: the question was that the Light was blocked. They didn’t use Kabbalah.”
Is it possible that this was taken out of context or would another Jew actually say something so awful? The quote is from an upcoming BBC special to be aired Thursday night about the questionable practices of the Kabbalah Centre and its leaders. Anyone ’round here have a satellite dish?