Ready For Prime Time, Mr. Right?

user submitted pictureAs if the search for the perfect Jewish guy didn’t already haunt all the Jewish single women out there, now you’ve got competition with advertising capital. A team of Israeli producers is scouring the Diaspora in search of an attractive man in his mid 20’s to late 30’s (with a decent job who loves his mother) for a reality show called “A Nice Jewish Boy.” The lucky bachelor will live in a luxurious villa in central Israel surrounded by fifteen or so Israeli women “competing” for his heart and camera time.
While we appreciate reality t.v. as much as the next couch knish, we were grossed out when shows like “The Bachelor,” “The Bachelorette,” “Joe Millionaire” and all the rest began appearing on prime time. How could such a tawdry spectacle possibly beget true love? Flirting with any kind of success is hard enough at a crowded bar; who wants every social faux pas captured on video?
We wish Mr. Jewish Bachelor, whomever he may be, and these publicity hungry women lotsa mazel, but we won’t be nominating our brother or anything.
Then again, he does fit the bill so well…and our mother would be delighted.
Who thinks we should send his photo and resumé to

3 thoughts on “Ready For Prime Time, Mr. Right?

  1. dude the rules say you have to be “financially secure”, you’re braggin about getting free rent they’ll think you’re a cheapskate. Plus aren’t you like over 40 or something in your pic? u’r dreaming a little to hard.

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