JIB Reminder…

JIBIt’s been three days, so y’all can go ahead and vote again if you’d like.

As ck at Jewlicious puts it, the JIB awards aren’t about winning, they’re about visibility for all Jewish bloggers. So, right, like he says, check out the other nominees (a couple of new ones I’ve been turned onto are Protein Wisdom, nominated for Best Mega Blog and serandez, who have racked up five nominations.)

Of course, please remember the Yenta loves you when you vote again.

5 thoughts on “JIB Reminder…

  1. Prophet/Messiah
    There is a close correlation between a prophet and a messiah. They understand the ramifications of the truth they have seen and about which they have important insight. They can predict a most likely outcome, having a righteous relationship to reality which includes an engagement with the mysterious.

    Today, we cannot say that it’s TOO LATE—that the world is doomed! No, there are too many variables. We can say that it’s LIKELY that it’s too late, but we can also say that there’s ALWAYS hope!

    Prophets—messiahs are here to affirm,

    “Be an activist!
    A fighter!
    Don’t give up!
    Don’t get tired!
    Wake up!
    Do more service!
    Get with the holy program!
    Because ANYTHING is possible!”

  2. To A Friend, Jay:
    Opposites, like:

    —the majority of the people are good until you see them hating and fearing ‘terrorists’ as much as they loved and worshipped Martin Luther King.

    —the majority of the people strive for a holy connection, yet they are adament that it is to be found in ‘old wive’s tales’ and not around them.The idea that God can be observed pervading reality is romantically appealing but, at the end of the day, it is contrary to the approaches they have always followed and to which they swear…

    —People believe in charity and generosity but cultivate a closed hand, even as they equate gross, obscene abundance with success.

    Of course, the diatribe can go on forever. It is enough to respond that truth, beauty and goodness are a better prize than anything else and one and all can see it. That is the hope.

    It is the revelation of these pillars of value that drives my creating.

    Here’s the crux of the problem: Too many people must have too many epiphanies, with too little likely remaining time to get from ‘there to here.’ So it has been my goal to ‘set it all down’ on my web sites.

    ‘Build it and they will come!’ is the phrase that invaded the culture from the film, ‘Field of Dreams.’ It is built and available at the touch of a button. (‘www.paulchipkin.cgpublisher.com’ and ‘www.paulchipkin.com’). My destiny, my work, is enough for the purpose, and I am constantly churning out a latest and greater revelation.

    Will people come? When?
    Who knows?

    What I know is that I am living in a way which makes greater sense to me than voting for the lesser of two evils or marching in protest with a million others only to have it reported in the press as ‘20,000.’ (that’s the number they always use when it’s an impressive turnout).

    I’m doing something with my creating which can address the problem in a real way. Perhaps it will help! The ‘stage has been set’ for my contributions to make a difference. May we survive and find our way to G-d’s Kingdom—by whatever means!

  3. Dear Blogger,

    I would like to ask for your help to promote OU’s (Orthodox Union) NCSY Alumni Family Retreat on President’s Weekend (Feb 17-19) in Edison, NJ.

    Depending on how much space on your blog you are able to dedicate to the retreat, I have included the flash movie, and a short and long version of the event description.

    I thank you in advance for helping me make this event a huge success!

    Thank You,
    Rabbi Dave Felsenthal

    1. Amazing and Inspiring Flash Movie for Alumni Family Retreat

    Movie: http://ncsyalum.org/trailer.php

    Website (for more info) : http://www.ncsyalum.org

    2. Short Version


    Let me say this: NCSY Alumni Retreat on President’s Weekend (Feb 17-19 2006). Inspiring speakers you admire at a Monumental Ruach-infused Shabbat experience with your family. http://www.ncsyalum.org to check it out and register.

    3. Long Version:

    Hello fellow Jews. Please take a moment to complete the following NCSY quiz:
    (Answers at http://www.ncsyalum.org)

    The upcoming NCSY alumni retreat is going to be:
    a. in a chat room
    b. With live animals
    c. Done in sign language
    d. All of the above
    e. Feb 17th – 19th 2006 at the Holiday Inn Plaza, Edison, NJ

    Of the following people whose names you can’t pronounce, which will be attending this retreat?
    a. Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
    b. Rabbi Itchie Lowenbraun
    c. Rabbi Dave Felsenthal
    d. Dr. David & Mrs. Vivian Luchins
    e. Rabbi Chaim Wielgus
    f. All of the above (all of which are lovely people by the way)

    If you are bringing children, you can do which of the following with them?
    a. Think twice before bringing them
    b. keep them in the hotel safe
    c. keep them on mild sedatives in front of the TV all weekend
    d. DNA testing to make sure they’re really your children
    e. send them to programmed activities throughout the weekend for all ages including the NCSY children’s camp courtesy of NCSY.

    The NCSY weekend is primarily for
    a. learning how to yodel to Carlebach songs
    b. taffy pulling championships
    c. shwarma slicing
    d. rhythmic gymnastics strategizing
    e. Sharing the NCSY atmosphere with family, friends and supporting the new NCSY alumni program.

  4. my name is joshua greher
    are you have aill the sr ncsy?
    are you sent aill the mail for sr ncsy aill the calendarsfor aill the sr ncsy
    are you sent my aill the mail?
    caill me 204-462-3480
    are you sent me more aill the sr ncsy shabbaton contact me by email
    are you tell my elliott-greher
    and rosa-greher to coming to aill the sr ncsyshabbaton

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