Iran caught in Charlotte’s web

Charlotte KnoblochCharlotte Knobloch, the Holocaust survivor who was elected the first woman president of Germany’s Central Council of Jews (mentioned yesterday) is officially giving Iranian leader President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a piece of her mind. According to Nobel peace laureate Eli Wiesel, Mr. Ahmadinejad is “the world’s number one Holocaust denier” who is now planning a possible upcoming visit to Germany to watch the World Cup.

But Charlotte aint’ havin it.

How can this fool deny such a horrible act of genocide? Charlotte is a living testament to that fact that it did occur and that we will never forget it! She’s not going to let some idiot run around her country and be greeted with rose petals and a red carpets. Head of state or not, I’m glad Charlotte Knobloch is speaking out against Ahmadinejab’s ignorance (or to some, his mean spirit).

Read the full story here.

Photo: c/o

2 thoughts on “Iran caught in Charlotte’s web

  1. That is so true, he cant deny the Holocaust while survivors are still around to prove without a shadow of a doubt that it did happen. I only pray that when the generation of survivors pass on, that we wont have to continue putting up with the Holocaust deniers. It will be tougher to defend and remind future generations of our struggles, I pray we never relive another Holocaust ever again.

  2. “Joe Says….” Well, Duh!

    he cant deny the Holocaust while survivors are still around to prove without a shadow of a doubt that it did happen.

    If they are still around, mate, they are actually more proving that it didn’t happen – see? Once we peel back the dewy-eyed sentimentalism, and the outright lies, there is left an impression that *some people* are more interested in the political capital of the casualties in WW2 than they are in the survivors. Eli W being one of these – a nasty little man if ever there was one. Shoa business, indeed.

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