I Rest My Case

Think I’m meshuggeh for always kvetching about the evils of Cheap Sh*t Made In China?

Check out JTA’s breaking news today:

As a marketing ploy that must’ve won out over free toasters, an Israeli bank has given away over a million free Istaeli flags to promote patriotism and y’know, low interest rates or whatever. But there’s a lil’ problem:

While the flag has the standard two blue stripes, the Star of David positioned between them is slanted, resting on two points, rather than standing straight as required by protocol. Sheli Yehimovitch, a Labor Party lawmaker and member of the Knesset Finance Committee, called on the public not to hang the flags. Speaking to Israel Radio, Yehimovitch said the design flaw likely originated with the Chinese firm that produced the flags at a discount. She argued that this should be a lesson on the need to buy Israeli products.

Shoulda used Berman’s.

2 thoughts on “I Rest My Case

  1. LMAO!!! Why do I love witnessing these train wrecks? This is almost as bad as that story of the “Free Tibet” flags being produced in a Chinese factory, only to be used against them in the Olympics protests. Down at any Wal-Mart you find USA flags all made in China as well. Goes to show that patriotism can be exploited, pennies at a time!

  2. Have you ever searched the web for ‘Jewish’ tattoos (mutually exclusive terms)? If one must have a Hebrew tattoo, make sure the tattoo artist is literate in Hebrew!

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