Ben Gets Bashed But His Buddy Steps Up

user submitted pictureNew Yorker film critic David Denby took his nasty review of Meet The Fockers just a bit too far when he blasted Ben Stiller as a “tiresome” screen presence and the “crudest version of the urban Jewish male on the make”. First of all, Stiller rules, ya hear? And second, where does Denby get off pigeonholing him as a “crude urban Jewish male” when his film career contains so many diverse roles, even some that aren’t even trying to be funny? (Permanent Midnight? Soo heavy.) We’d hire a coupla goons to fix Denby good, but Stiller’s onscreen (Zoolander, The Royal Tannenbaums) and offscreen pal Owen Wilson has already torn Denby a new one with his characteristic twisted charm in a letter to PageSix last week, reports Ireland Online.
Wilson’s pen may be mighty in defense of his buddy, but he admits to wanting to kick Denby’s ass as badly as we do: “The audience is practically howling for blood! I really wish I could deliver for them – but that’s Jackie Chan’s role.”

3 thoughts on “Ben Gets Bashed But His Buddy Steps Up

  1. How can anyone take Denby seriously. A complete dolt in every sense of the word who writes “about his desire to break free from some of ‘the modern-day entrenchments'” such as reading!! Yep, a writer who wants to break free of reading!
    ‘I no longer had (the discipline) for serious reading; when I picked up a serious book, my concentration wandered after 20 pages. I wanted to read it, but vagrant thoughts came charging in’.
    …need we say more!

  2. This critic sounds like an ass. You know what they say- those who can’t do criticize. The gas station scene from Zoolander is one of the funniest things ever put on film.

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