Yo Yenta! Advice: I Can’t Believe it’s Not Marriage

Yo, Yenta! Advice Yo, Yenta!
My boyfriend and I have been together since our junior year of college. Six years later, we live together and have discussed marriage. I try to make a nice home for us, but he’s a complete slob and lets me do all the housework because I’m better at it. Last week I came home after work and cooked dinner, which got cold because he wouldn’t come to the table until Sportscenter was over. We used to have so much fun together. Now we’re like old married people, except we’re neither. How can I spark the flame again?

– Wishing for the Way We Were

Dear Wishing: Waxing nostalgic isn’t going to help you now, toots. The times you had together in college, like watching “Ren and Stimpy” reruns while you wrote his English papers and did his laundry, are over now.

You have graduated to first-class doormat and are well on your way to a master’s degree in martyrdom. What happens after you get married? You get to sit on your hands and knees and let him prop his beer on you while he watches the Duke/Carolina game? You need to take a stand or take off. And I know plenty of old married people who would agree that life’s too short to eat cold food.

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