Yo, Jew-Bus! Kiss this Ass-shram

Look, I have nothing against the Jew-Bus, aight? I get my yoga on and I’ve spent a little time on the mountain at Spirit Rock. I read Sylvia Boorstein’s That’s Funny, You Don’t Look Buddhist and Richard Kamenetz’s The Jew in the Lotus and they are some WISE peeps. Nothing wrong with letting go of ego, and you’d have a hard time convincing me that Buddhist teachings interfere with being a decent Jew.

But what is it about meditation practice that makes some people such a**hats? After living in Marin County for over 12 years with personal transformation junkies who wear their Prana clothes to lunch and exude a pretentious, more-enlightened-than-thou “serenity” that evaporates into road rage the minute someone cuts off their Mercedes SUV, let me tell ya, a good lampooning has been LONG overdue.

And who better to deliver it than Arj Barker, Marin County-and-beyond comedian who once made me pee in my pants laughing at a party on Alan Watts’ boat in Sausalito. Boy’s gone viral – this was on the HuffingtonPost.

Buddha’s laughing, Arj.

Sickest Buddhist from GenerateLA on Vimeo.

UPDATE: Aw, durn it! TheWorstHorse reports that Arj is coming out with a DVD later this year, so you’ll have to BUY it. How…unZen.

3 thoughts on “Yo, Jew-Bus! Kiss this Ass-shram

  1. hi yenta ,
    it is sad that nothing was mentioned at camp and it is very sad that they are talking about the jea open on Shabbat but the ? is what come first the egg or the chicken or in our case if some of the Jews in savannah would have not take all the religious kid and make there won camp we would have a completely deferent atmosphere and for sure commemorate 9 b’av . if all Jew should join the jea no one would talk about opening on Shabbat it will not be an issue .
    any way next year if I will be in savannah I will volunteer to do a program at the camp for tishah b’av want to help me?

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