T-Shirt of the Week: Suck it, World Net Daily

The Yenta has been interviewing male feminists all week for the day job and y’know, it just makes me proud that there are such mensches out there.

Could it be that we’re making – *gasp* – social PROGRESS in the country now that we have a president who can spell? Though not everyone is enjoying the trend that even the Girl Scouts are on board with the Communist Lesbianism (or, Lesbian Communism, take your pick) that’s sweeping the nation like the Betty Friedan flu.

In case you didn’t click on that link, WorldNetDaily is a right-wing Christian “news” site that is so patently retarded it cracks my sh*t up constantly.

And btw, hell yeah, it’s real shirt: Buy it from T-ShirtHell.

22 thoughts on “T-Shirt of the Week: Suck it, World Net Daily

  1. Perhaps most parents do not want that sort of indoctrination for their daughters. I don’t think most parents realized that it was no longer a Christian organization and that the values they used to teach had been supplanted by liberal PC indoctrination. Is there anything wrong with pointing this out to people who may be unaware? Call it retarded, if you like; it was informative.

  2. Regarding the Girl Scouts, I followed a link from WND to your site, where I had a look around. It pretty much convinced me the article at WND was correct.

    I am curious, though, how the whole marxist-feminist thing is working out with your girls. You do have kids, don’t you?

    Don’t you?

  3. Hey !…what happened to my reply?? OH WAIT!..that’s right..I forgot. Free speech only applies to liberals.

  4. gina, the article’s title is “Girl Scouts Exposed: Lessons in Lesbianism,” as if children are being taught sexual acts in between selling cookies, or that teaching about legislators like Shirley Chisholm, who helped pass the law that enables girls to receive equal education in public schools actually infects people with homosexuality. That’s not information, it’s propaganda, and yes, it’s retarded.

    Mother of 3 girls, I’m confused as to how the blog of a snarky Jewish mother convinced you of the veracity of someone else’s web site. Nope, not gettin’ the connection. And thank you, our family’s values of tolerance, equality and sharing are working out rather well.

    Scott, take your free speech issues up with WordPress, ’cause it must’ve marked your first reply as spam. And yes, free speech does apply to everyone, which is why complete crap like World Net Daily exists in the first place.

  5. All I know is, that Samoa picture is making me hungry. Damn those communist New Age pacifist lesbians and their delicious cookies!

  6. Assuming the “progressive” view, it should be politically correct to exercise liberal free speech by concluding that yoyenta.com is a left-wing, anti-Christian “blog” site; however, I suspect the term left-wing is not in the liberal dictionary.

  7. Dear Head Yenta,

    You are happy because your doctrine is now being promoted to girls in Girl Scouts. (Who will one day be voters and Moms.) Simply admit it and don’t bother with ad hominem attacks and un-based claims about other websites or news agencies. You need to relax and admit that you are promoting and happy about the current indoctrination going on in Girl Scouts. And, I infer, you are irked that others are figuring it out and finally educating Dads and Moms across America about it.

    Go ahead, you can say what most philosophers of education know, and I detect you are having a hard time recognizing: I admit that all groups (whether State-run “public” schools, private schools, homeschooling, Girl Scouts, etc.) indoctrinate children, and I admit that I’m not particularly happy when folks figure out a way to inform others that my doctrine is being promoted within a group that previously was able to do it “under the radar.”

    –Brian in Orygun

  8. I sent the WND article to my friend whose daughter is in the GS.

    Here is her response. Take it for what it is:
    Thanks for sending this article to me. Last winter **** went to a Leadership Conference held in our service unit. I thought it sounded good, maybe some public speaking,self esteem, or business training might come out of this. Instead, the first class was on sexually transmitted diseases where med students from **** showed graphic slides of body parts afflicted with sores and disease. Then the second class was on peer pressure where they were made to feel responsible to stop friends from having sex so they wouldn’t get the diseases. When I picked her up she was pale and quiet. I thought she just stayed up all night with the girls in her dorm room and was tired. About fifteen minutes into our drive she started talking. She was scared and afraid I would be mad, embarrassed, worried, and just wanted to go home. I was furious. We almost dropped out of scouts that day. I asked the service unit contact to explain why any of that had something to do with leadership. She said she was so sorry and that the students from **** did the pictures and the discussion without their knowledge. BULL!
    I still want to quit but **** and **** are still interested in earning badges and want to stay in scouts. I can tell you one thing, **** will never go to a council sponsored event alone again!

  9. “Could it be that we’re making – *gasp* – social PROGRESS in the country now that we have a president who can spell?”

    Barrack Hussein Obama is turning this country into a Marxist statist hell-hole. There is nothing remotely “progressive” about the most oppressive, dignity-robbing, and murderous form of government the world has yet seen.

    As for the One’s “spelling” ability, that freedom-hating Marxist gomer can’t even utter a coherent sentence without a teleprompter in front of him.

    Murderous Marxism is “social progress?”

    On what planet?



  10. RACHEL

    WND has a daily feature that highlights a column from a source on the left. Show me something equivalent on the left’s news sites. Crap indeed.

    Partisanship is diversity and fairness rolled into one.

  11. Personally I found the article factual and very informative. I think it’s only fair to let those who think it’s the “same old” Girl Scouts they grew up with know that it’s not the same at all.

    If you’re teaching children your beliefs, which appear to at least include, if not focus on, feminism, new age religious practices, and the like, then why be upset that the news is getting out? If you believe it those things to such a degree, why would there be any need for secrecy? Or could it be that you’re upset that your “secret” is out?

  12. Yenta, in pretentious 3rd person, describes herself as follows: “She aims to break down stereotypes about Jews in general and Jewish mothers in particular.”

    Nope, Yenta, you pretty much confirm the stereotype. If you want to break down stereotypes, try recognizing that Christians are the only reason America has been such a safe haven for Jews. Sadly, you see the greatest threat to liberty being some G-d-fearing Christians who oppose the radicalization of a formerly mainstream girl’s scouting organization.

  13. …and Maximum Yenta stoops to propaganda herself…following the words: “As If” by a cute but inaccurate straw man claiming things the actual WND article never said. A dash of red herring with the Shirley Chisholm reference, as if anybody had any heartburn *there*…and BAM!!! Agitprop Tomato Basil catered to the sensibilities of the psuedo-sophisticated leftist.

    “And thank you, our family’s values of tolerance, equality and sharing are working out rather well.”

    As if anybody would argue that at face value? Although when leftists use those words, they actually mean: Forced acceptance, forced equality-of-outcome, and taking-by-force…Leave Trotsky where he belongs Maximum Yenta. In the meantime I’ll teach my kinds to observe the “standard” definitions of tolerance, equality, and sharing.

  14. Folks, this post was about a t-shirt I found hilarious linked to an asinine article that claims the Girl Scouts are “teaching” lesbianism. Apparently, it’s touched a lot of minds out there.

    Bryan in “Orygun” – yup, I’m happy as a clam that young girls are being educated about the women who fought for equality and made opportunities available to everyone in this great country. Freedom and justice FOR ALL, remember?

    Mary, sorry your friend had a bad experience. I don’t work for the Girl Scouts, so tell her to take it up with them or quit.

    Dave, saying “There is nothing remotely “progressive” about the most oppressive, dignity-robbing, and murderous form of government the world has yet seen” does not make it true. How exactly are you being oppressed?

    Momma, you wrote: “you pretty much confirm the stereotype.” Really, in what ways? “If you want to break down stereotypes, try recognizing that Christians are the only reason America has been such a safe haven for Jews.” Check your history. First of all, America is supposedly a safe haven for everyone; the wording of your sentence infers a creeping anti-Semitism. True, Jewish refugees were able to settle here throughout history, but were turned away before and during WWII – how many could have been saved in the Holocaust? And please, the Crusades in Europe killed millions in the name of Christianity. I happen to love the people who claim Christianity as their religion and yet are open to the great, wondrous world of many different paths that our Creator provided. But just because someone calls her/himself a Christian doesn’t make her/him a good person – it is in the action.

    Momma, you also wrote: “Sadly, you see the greatest threat to liberty being some G-d-fearing Christians who oppose the radicalization of a formerly mainstream girl’s scouting organization.” I see the greatest threat to liberty as one group’s exclusive value system promoted as truth then forced onto others at their expense. The Girl Scouts are a private organization that no one is forcing you to join – take your choices elsewhere. This is America.

    Oppressor, read the article again; no red herrings besides your fairly loose grasp on language.

  15. Many Christian denominations use a labyrinth or maze for walking and meditation. It is not some new age thing but centuries old and found in all cultures.

    What am I missing…we hate Nobel Peace Prize winners? What’s wrong with peace? Is Peace now bad? And is bullying OK? WOW. I am so out of touch. I thought taking a break and being pro-peace were still good things and that bullying was recognized as being a NOT GOOD thing.

    And the Songs of Solomon are dang erotic

    And what’s wrong with martial arts? Learning self-defense and self-control are wrong?

    I just want to be sure I’m understanding this: the GSUSA wants girls to find and develop “true friendships, meaningful relationships, and lots of confidence to boot…” and people find this abhorrent?

    “for teens in the ninth and tenth grades, girls are taught about wage disparities between the sexes, and a lack of assets and senior management positions held by women.”

    OK. And? Your point? I’m just not getting where this is a bad thing? Are we saying that reality and the truth about wage disparity are “bad”?

    “It encourages young women to begin “raising their voices as advocates” and follow the examples of other young people who are speaking out on causes such as global warming, universal health care, racism and child poverty.”

    So now we are against taking a stand, advocating? If you read this correctly, it isn’t saying speak out FOR or AGAINST, it encourages young women to speak out their own minds on these issues. Regardless of my opinions, though I am strongly against racism and child poverty and strongly for affordable health care for all and being a steward of the earth, I also believe that encouraging young women to think for themselves and express themselves eloquently and with knowledge are GOOD THINGS.

    I love how people denigrate the ACLU as though civil liberties are bad. Generally, I believe these are people who don’t know what civil liberties are.

    “Frances Perkins: teacher
    and U.S. secretary of labor from 1933 to 1945, first woman appointed to the U.S. Cabinet, helped write New Deal legislation including minimum-wage laws, allegedly had lesbian relationship with Mary Harriman Rumsey.”

    So do they hate her for being a teacher? For helping write minimum-wage laws? For being appointed to the U.S. Cabinet?

    And they hate Rachel Carson because she got poisons out of our water system and the EPA is an evil governmental body?

    And what was the GSUSA thinking for suggesting the a black woman who supported community reinvestment was a role model.

    I guess this group would prefer to that girls not take an active role in their own communities. And they seem to enjoy tossing around “allegations”, “rumors”, and amorphous “reports” to denigrate these women.

    “Pauli Murray: feminist, lawyer, writer, poet, teacher, ordained priest, author of the 1950 book “States’ Laws on Race and Color,” founder of the Women’s Rights Law Reporter, co-founder of the National Organization for Women.”

    And is it that she’s a lawyer, a writer, a poet (damn those poets, they’re just evil), ordained, author, feminist…

    find me a list of women who have made a positive difference in our society and our world and who would be role models for girls from all cultures, faiths, socio-political and economic backgrounds that this group would approve and I’ll show you a VERY SHORT list.

    The GSUSA encourages girls to consider the following careers: “ambassador, congressperson, artist, filmmaker, labor union organizer, fund raiser/grant writer, lawyer, lobbyist, mediator, professor, public affairs officer, researcher, religious leader, senator, web master, blogger, journalist…” and the tone of the article is that these are also “Bad” options to suggest.

    Finally, the Founder Juliette Gordon Lowe, was an artist who painted, sculpted, and created wrought iron gates for her parents as an anniversary gift. She was a public figure and an advocate.

    She also sought to divorce her husband who took to drinking and philandering in their marriage. He died before the divorce was final, but did leave the bulk of his estate to his live in mistress, forcing Juliette to go to her for a stipend for support.

    Rather than hide away, Juliette spent the next several years globetrotting through Europe and India.

    The GSUSA is not a religious organization, and not a “Christian” (I put that in quotes because I believe this group has a phenomenally narrow definition of the faith) one. It is not only for white, republican, upper middle-class, suburban, “Christian” (see above quotes) war loving, equal opportunity hating, heterosexual girls of parents who believe DDT in our ecosystem and plastic bags in our landfill are part of our “God” (Also in quotes for the same reason as above) given heritage.

    My two cents (and then some) worth.

  16. BTW: Yo Yenta is a fabulous mom with really great, polite, bright, helpful, talented children. If you want to argue for the article and the organization behind it that’s one thing but to turn this into a personal attack against someone you don’t know suggests great vanity and a penchant for finger pointing. And you all know that when you point one finger away, three more point back at you…

    Matthew 7:1-5 (New International Version)

    1″Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

    3″Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

  17. Many Christian denominations use a labyrinth or maze for walking and meditation. It is not some new age thing but centuries old and found in all cultures.

    What am I missing…we hate Nobel Peace Prize winners? What’s wrong with peace? Is Peace now bad? And is bullying OK? WOW. I am so out of touch. I thought taking a break and being pro-peace were still good things and that bullying was recognized as being a NOT GOOD thing.

    And the Songs of Solomon are dang erotic

    And what’s wrong with martial arts? Learning self-defense and self-control are wrong?

    I just want to be sure I’m understanding this: the GSUSA wants girls to find and develop “true friendships, meaningful relationships, and lots of confidence to boot…” and people find this abhorrent?

    “for teens in the ninth and tenth grades, girls are taught about wage disparities between the sexes, and a lack of assets and senior management positions held by women.”

    OK. And? Your point? I’m just not getting where this is a bad thing? Are we saying that reality and the truth about wage disparity are “bad”?

    “It encourages young women to begin “raising their voices as advocates” and follow the examples of other young people who are speaking out on causes such as global warming, universal health care, racism and child poverty.”

    So now we are against taking a stand, advocating? If you read this correctly, it isn’t saying speak out FOR or AGAINST, it encourages young women to speak out their own minds on these issues. Regardless of my opinions, though I am strongly against racism and child poverty and strongly for affordable health care for all and being a steward of the earth, I also believe that encouraging young women to think for themselves and express themselves eloquently and with knowledge are GOOD THINGS.

    I love how people denigrate the ACLU as though civil liberties are bad. Generally, I believe these are people who don’t know what civil liberties are.

    “Frances Perkins: teacher
    and U.S. secretary of labor from 1933 to 1945, first woman appointed to the U.S. Cabinet, helped write New Deal legislation including minimum-wage laws, allegedly had lesbian relationship with Mary Harriman Rumsey.”

    So do they hate her for being a teacher? For helping write minimum-wage laws? For being appointed to the U.S. Cabinet?

    And they hate Rachel Carson because she got poisons out of our water system and the EPA is an evil governmental body?

    And what was the GSUSA thinking for suggesting the a black woman who supported community reinvestment was a role model.

    I guess this group would prefer to that girls not take an active role in their own communities. And they seem to enjoy tossing around “allegations”, “rumors”, and amorphous “reports” to denigrate these women.

    “Pauli Murray: feminist, lawyer, writer, poet, teacher, ordained priest, author of the 1950 book “States’ Laws on Race and Color,” founder of the Women’s Rights Law Reporter, co-founder of the National Organization for Women.”

    And is it that she’s a lawyer, a writer, a poet (damn those poets, they’re just evil), ordained, author, feminist…

    find me a list of women who have made a positive difference in our society and our world and who would be role models for girls from all cultures, faiths, socio-political and economic backgrounds that this group would approve and I’ll show you a VERY SHORT list.

    The GSUSA encourages girls to consider the following careers: “ambassador, congressperson, artist, filmmaker, labor union organizer, fund raiser/grant writer, lawyer, lobbyist, mediator, professor, public affairs officer, researcher, religious leader, senator, web master, blogger, journalist…” and the tone of the article is that these are also “Bad” options to suggest.

    Finally, the Founder Juliette Gordon Lowe, was an artist who painted, sculpted, and created wrought iron gates for her parents as an anniversary gift. She was a public figure and an advocate.

    She also sought to divorce her husband who took to drinking and philandering in their marriage. He died before the divorce was final, but did leave the bulk of his estate to his live in mistress, forcing Juliette to go to her for a stipend for support.

    Rather than hide away, Juliette spent the next several years globetrotting through Europe and India.

    The GSUSA is not a religious organization, and not a “Christian” (I put that in quotes because I believe this group has a phenomenally narrow definition of the faith) one. It is not only for white, republican, upper middle-class, suburban, “Christian” (see above quotes) war loving, equal opportunity hating, heterosexual girls of parents who believe DDT in our ecosystem and plastic bags in our landfill are part of our “God” (Also in quotes for the same reason as above) given heritage.

    My two cents (and then some) worth.

  18. BTW — if anyone thinks Girl Scouts is “Christian” it might be worth noting that one of the very first GS troops in the whole world was at Congregation Mickve Israel, Savannah GA

  19. Awsome article and right to the point. I am not sure if this is in fact the best place to ask but do you people have any ideea where to get some professional writers? Thanks in advance 🙂

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