Preaching the Anti-Gospel

user submitted pictureJon Stewart may be the prince of pundit satire, but Bill Maher reigns as the king of politically incorrect. His inappropriate truth-telling extends to the spiritual realm in an interview with HBO, in which he blasts organized religion as “childish”:
“Childish things retard the progress of society as a whole! As a society, we cannot move forward if there is a huge drag at the back of the parade!”
Maher’s mother was Jewish, but he was raised Roman Catholic, which might explain his vitriolic relationship with religion. He’s single, which definitely explains why he’s channeling his sexual frusturation towards believers. Slap a kepa on that keppe, Bill, and maybe you’ll find you a nice Jewish girl to show you it’s not all bad!

6 thoughts on “Preaching the Anti-Gospel

  1. Hey, he has a right to his opinion, but when visible progressives like him fail to see the value of religion to so many societies, they undermine the ultimate foundation of progressive thought; acceptance.

  2. If you read the whole article, it seems like he doesn’t actually believe his own position; he still believes in God and an afterlife, he just hates zealots. And he’s built a whole career on cynicism, so he kind of has to take this stand. I do agree with Mike, though- why not single out the overbearing idiots and leave the concepts alone?

  3. But Bill is right — childish organized religion plainly holds society back. I mean, just look at the results when the anchor of religion is discarded. Sure, they weren’t perfect, but did fascism, communism, and Nazism ever kill anyone?

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