Nachas Week!

nachosWelcome to the first ever Nachas* Week at Yo, Yenta! Over the past few months so many worthy folks have sent me their books and music to mention here, and even though I do my best to read and listen to them all, I’ve fallen far behind in my wish to spotlight Jewish talent. (Not quite as far as I’ve fallen behind on the laundry, but let’s not go there.)

Sure, we could debate the authenticity of the Jesus tomb (I’ll have to abstain — I fell asleep after the first hour of the Discovery special last night) or reminisce over the Purim festivities (speaking of sheppin’ nachas, El Yenta Man was resplendent once again as the Queen, garnering a delighted reception at both the Reform and Orthodox shuls, although he did catch a bit of flak from a politically-correct maven for wearing his bubbe’s fur coat) or dicker over more Britney-bashing from Rabbi Shmuley (he says cheerleading is a misogynistic evil and should be banned — yay or nay?). But Passover’s coming and with it spring cleaning, so I’m starting with the 20-inch diameter cocktail table I call a desk.

*Right, that’s nachas, not nachos, although doesn’t a big plate sound good right now? Nachas means taking pride in someone, as in we’re shepping nachas for the Jewish people. But apparently it does have a kinda obscene Spanish translation.

5 thoughts on “Nachas Week!

  1. Hey YentaHaman, is that a grogger in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

    First of all I went as Queen Vashti not Esther cause I don’t dance naked for no one cept my man err wife YentaHaman. Secondly, my cojones were the biggest at both shuls hands down, and thirdly I know fur is unPC, but give me a break, I was in drag at the same synogogue where I got Bar Mitzvahed, confirmed and married. I’ver earned the right to let the fur out of the closet. Some people are utterly without a sense of humor. Did she think I bought it at Kirschner’s for one night. I must admit however, that the full length mink kept me warm, regal and feeling sexy well after the festivities were over. Jesus’s tomb was just plain cable compared to some good ole Savannah Purim role playing.

    See ya next year HamanYenta and don’t forget your funky hat of tricks.

  2. Way to go Yentaman! I’m glad you weren’t attacked on the way to the shul by a mob of anti-semites/homophobes. You can get away with that pretty easily in NOCal, but in GA, it must have been dicey.

    Happy Purim to you and the whole mishpocha!

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