Mother Of The Year

babyfeetMazel tov to brave Jewish mama Dayna Klein, who gave birth to a baby boy this week after surviving last summer’s shooting rampage at the Seattle JCC.

One woman was killed and five others wounded when Naveed Haq burst into the building on July 28 with a gun, violently distressed about the war between Israel and Hezbollah. Klein was shot in the arm and leg while protecting her womb from the spray of bullets, an act police called heroic. I call it fierce mother’s instinct, and the fact that Klein managed to call 911 and persuade the attacker to get on the phone and eventually give himself up to police makes her one serious balabusta.

Blessings to the new parents and little Charlie Paz. May you enjoy every sleepless night and poopy diaper — you already know how precious they are.

2 thoughts on “Mother Of The Year

  1. Charlie Paz. His middle name doesn’t come from the Rhode Island boxer formerly known as Vinnie Pazienza, who changed his name to Vinnie Paz, does it?

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