Madonna: Typical Pushy Jewish Woman

madgeOh yeah, the former Material Girl is taking her affinity for controversy to new heights: The NY Daily Dish reported last week that “her Madgesty” has long been kabbalah-courting Oprah Winfrey “in hopes that her fellow icon could help bring the Artist Occasionally Known as Esther’s belief system to mainstream America.” Stay tuned for a Religious Celebrity Spokesperson Death Match with Tom Cruise.

Also in the news before the High Holy Daze: Some rabbis have their tzitzit in a wad over her new album Confessions On A Dance Floor, which is dedicated to 16th-century kabbalist Isaac Luria.

“Jewish law forbids the use of the name of the holy rabbi for profit. Her act is just simply unacceptable and I can only sympathize for her because of the punishment that she is going to receive from the heavens,” Rabbi Rafael Cohen, head of a seminary named after Luria, told Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv.

Being the macher that she is, Madonna has done double duty by simultaneously making her new album and Isaac Luria household names. Sheesh, the least she could do is cut the rebbes some profit for the free publicity.

4 thoughts on “Madonna: Typical Pushy Jewish Woman

  1. Ribono Shel Olam, when are these SHTUYOT going to end? If “Esther” CONVERTED, then maybe we could take her somewhat seriously! But for her to go on and on like this is sickening to any Jews who revere our tradition and despise those who make a mockery of it.
    And as for Oprah … I might be willing to cut “Madge” some slack if she could convince Oprah to stop sympathizing with the Jihadis.
    But I don’t expect much, considering how M. believes that the Zohar is all about peace, love, and tolerance.

    Madonna’s Kabbalah – NOT KOSHER!

  2. Madonna is far from kosher I do agree. Just watch her video like a Virgin. I think it is just another one of her acts.And she is all about the publicity not religion.Just see in her career how well she even observes her shabbat.So madonna what rabbi did you have to seduce to even become converted so quickly!! If thats the case she is far from Jewish.

  3. Wow. That is a pretty interesting letter you linked to Heshy. While I agree that Madonna is no Jew in a true sense, I think that her all overall appreciation of Jewish/Kabbalist views and customs is a postive force. In a world where Jews are hated, bombed and discriminated against, a visbile, saavy and powerful person demonstrating that our culture is worthwhile enough to study and in some way adopt breeds tolerance of all Jews. Any energy devoted to bashing her would be better spent on counteracting the millions of people who oppose our way of life.

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