It You Thought Olbermann Was Offensive Before…

keith olbermann…the MSNBC host has taken his bad taste to new heights: The host of “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” saluted “Seig Heil”-style while wearing mask of his nemesis, FOXnews commentator Bill O’Reilly, in a clumsy attempt to illustrate his rival’s lack of intelligence.

Um, yeah … so that didn’t work out too well for you, did it, Olbermann? You know O’Reilly is dancing around in his underwear right now squealing “Ha, ha, I’m glue, whatever I say sticks to you!”

Naturally, the superstars of the Anti-Defamation League were on it, releasing a letter within seconds of the offense:

“While we understand that your aim is to entertain your audience by taking pot shots at Mr. O’Reilly, your repeated use of the Nazi salute has resulted in many complaints from our constituents, including Holocaust survivors and their families who find the use of this gesture offensive and repugnant in any context…We believe that the use of gestures and imagery associated with the Nazis – even in jest – only serves to trivialize the Holocaust and denigrate the memory of the six million Jews and others who died as a result of Hitler’s Final Solution.”

Thank you, ADL. It’s their rabid tracking of even the most minor of anti-Semitic offenses that helps us all sleep at night.

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