DVD Review: Sock This

user submitted pictureThose of us who secretly love puppets but might feel weird renting Sesame Street for the evening’s entertainment have found a gem in Greg The Bunny, an ill-fated FOX series just out on DVD. Though we haven’t been able to ascertain the ethnic background of lovable, furry Greg, the rest of the cast reads like a Hollywood synagogue membership directory: Seth Green stars as the puppet’s (he prefers “fabricated American”) slacker roommate whose father (the always delightfully nerdy Eugene Levy) directs a children’s show peopled (and puppeted) by the crassest, most inappropriate fuzz pelts since Meet The Feebles. Comedienne Sarah Silverman does a turn as a sexy, sarcastic TV exec, though the funniest lines belong to the puppets: “Did you hear about Snuffalupagus? Bankrupt.” “No! He was making big money!” “Yeah, it all went up his nose…”
Hilarious stuff, though obviously not ready for primetime, since FOX canceled Greg and his friends after only one season to much protest from sock lovers like us.

3 thoughts on “DVD Review: Sock This

  1. Its unfortunate that it only ran one season. FOX has the nasty habit of tanking great shows like this and keeping dreck like ‘american idol’.

  2. I saw Seth Green recently on Conan and he has a new late night show on Comedy Network, Robot Chicken (stop motion animation with toys)!

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