Yo, Doll!

Little Yenta Girl isn’t so much into playing with dolls as she is attacking the dog with swords, plucking the heads off of all my zinnias and harassing her older brother. Once in a while she’ll duct tape a hand-me-down Barbie to a plastic pony and drag it through the vegetable beds for a game of Pioneer Woman, but mostly the dollhouse we bought her for Chanukah serves as a storehouse for other toys.

So you can understand that the thought of purchasing her a $95 collectible American Girl doll is ridiculous. I can only imagine what she’d do to Rebecca, American Girl’s brand new Jewish offering to its veritable UN (seriously, what took so long?)

Rebecca, who comes with her own set of historical books, is the daughter of Russian immigrants. Since AG is ALL about the accessories, her matching swag (purchased separately, natch) includes Shabbat candlesticks, bagels and a dill pickle.

In spite of those last two, Rebecca has been met with wholehearted acceptance by the Jewish community, including ADL director Abe Foxman, who would LET YOU KNOW if Rebecca’s creators crossed the line in any way.

“It’s not offensive. It’s sensitive,” Foxman told a reporter. “How about that. Most of the time these things fall into stereotypes which border on the offensive.”

According the to Rebecca’s bio, she’s a little girl growing up in the Big City, with lessons to learn about respecting tradition and navigating a new world.

She sounds so sweet. If she lived at my house, she’d be probably end up sharing a filthy bucket with a frog, and I just couldn’t bear that.

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