I’m Not Handing Over the Reigns Yet…

…but the JEA‘s Adam Solender is doing a much better job of informing Savannah’s Jews than the Yenta these days! His e-newsletter is chock-full of interesting tidbits this week, including the juicy morsel that Georgia Organics VP and dirt-digging cult hero Daron “Farmer D” Joffe is one of us. (Personally, I would like to see our people get back to our agricultural roots. The world needs more Jewish farmers, yo.)

Adam, who unlike the Yenta is tech-savvy enough to track who links on what and when, was lamenting yesterday that no one seemed interested in this article from the Jewish Women’s Archives celebrating the 162nd anniversary of the United Order of True Sisters, an organization borne out of NYC’s Temple Emanu-El and effectively the first women’s organization in the United States.

The members of UOTS were mostly middle-class German-Jewish women, as evidenced by the fact that meetings at most lodges were conducted in German until the end of the First World War. Many members were wives of B’nai B’rith members. The UOTS provided these women a place to exercise their leadership abilities and develop a role in the public sphere, without being subject to the authority of men.

Well, I’m interested. This mavens took it upon themselves to influence their community long before women were allowed to vote – or sit next to their husbands to daven – and I thank Sir Adam for bringing them to my attention.

Since I’m so famisht, y’all should check out Adam’s newsletter for local Jewishy events (subscribe by sending an email to adam@savj.org).

Let’s not forget the Yom Ha’Shoah observance at the JEA Thursday night starting at 7pm, and I’m counting down the days ’til the Israel @ 60 events in Forsyth Park – including a free performance by Pharoah’s Daughter! – May 18.

Here’s a taste of Basya and her band – but don’t expect to see the Yenta bellydancing like this at the show:

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