Bizzy, Bizzy Yenta

israeli scoutsI know, I know, it’s been so long…I’ve missed y’all! My new job is going swimmingly, though apparently full-time actually means just that, and when I come home I have these people who want things like dinner and bedtime stories…and then I have to take care of the children (tee hee, thanks folks, I’ll be here all week.)

The great news is the kids have been going to Jewish day camp and having a blast. While most of the campers couldn’t recognize a knish if I pelted them in the head with it, some of them are quite observant, with tzitzit and all. This is fascinating to my son, who has taken to wearing a yarmulke every day (when he remembers.) He wouldn’t eat an ice cream sandwich last night after we ate hamburgers, but chowed on some bacon at a friend’s house over the weekend. I guess it turns out he’s the same kind of Jewish as his parents, nu?

Kashrut lectures from a 7 year-old aside, it’s been wonderful to have the kids in a Jewish environment, since here in Savannah, our other options were vacation Bible camp or letting them run wild through the streets. Last night there was a special presentation of singing, dancing Israeli Scouts called the Tzofim Friendship Caravan, a delegation of the Israeli Scouts. They were adorable, like a Hebrew “Up With People” — I got a little choked up at the end when we sang “Hatikvah” and my kids knew all the words. I highly recommend the show when it comes through your town this summer.

One thought on “Bizzy, Bizzy Yenta

  1. Silly as you may seem at the time Jewish camp forms lifetime bonds and if he’s a little confused about what’s kosher, he’ll ask more questions later, which is part of the faith.

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