Calling All Disgruntled Jewish Mothers

wifeswapIn spite of being “not much a TV watcher” (a label I must rescind as of late since the whole mishpocha has become johnny-come-lately American Idol converts) I have caught an episode or two of the reality show Wife Swap, where two wildly mismatched families exchange the woman of the house for a week or so for our entertainment. Hicks get paired with educated people, punk rockers with conservatives, etc., and at the end of the week everyone’s usually pretty freakin’ happy to get their mama back.

I’ve always been fascinated with the idea. What would another family think of me? I’m sure the meal I made last week with beans and quinoa wouldn’t go over well with anybody, neither my tendency to follow the dog around with the vacuum cleaner. And would some crazy stranger feed my children Twinkies for breakfast and make the dog wear sweaters? El Yenta Man thought it sounded like a great deal until he found out the swap only applies to chores and taking care of the kids; there’s no hankypanky. “Eh, boring,” he said. “But if you make that scary bean meal again, I’m willing to consider it for several months.”

Hmm, he might have to: Apparently to keep their fourth season fresh and diverse, the show is seeking Jewish families to throw in to the mix (ha ha! See the Jewish mother paired with the family with the barbecue pit in the backyard! Bring the born-again Christian to a kapores ritual! Hilarity!)

From the email from ABC:

Out of pure coincidence, many of our families have come from a Christian background. We are eager to branch out and diversify the spectrum. There are many stereotypes of a Jewish mother, but the word “LOVING” seems to always come up. For this very reason, we want to find a loving, caring, fun and vibrant Jewish mother!…We are open to strongly religious families as well as families that consider themselves less religious. Every family is different and has a story. Personality is a must!

If you’re feeling underappreciated or really want to confuse your kids, maybe you’re interested. Plus, there’s $20,000 if you’re chosen (EYM can eat beans for six months for that kinda cash, nu?) Contact or call her directly at (646) 747-7946.

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